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Results - 3rd & 4th May

The second round of fixtures for our division 4 teams took place this week and our 2 second division teams and our first division teams got their seasons underway.

On the Tuesday, it was mixed results for our div 4 teams, Drizzle, taking encouragement from their draw last week against the Tigers went and replicated Hurricanes first week performance with a mercy win over Falcons 16-1. They are showing good progress under a new captain this season.

Hurricanes came crashing down from their high of last weeks win with a hard fought defeat against the Barflies 15-13. With each team trading runs throughout the game, the extra runs that the barflies got in at the end could be matched by Hurricanes who went three up three down in the bottom of the seventh to receive their first defeat of the season.

In the second Division, Storm and Lightning both started their season against teams relegated from the 1st division. So no easy task to undertake with both teams heavily changed from last seasons squads. Storm but up a strong fight against the Meerkats with Alexa Martinez scoring hers and the teams first home run of the season. Unfortunately the Meerkats bats were just a little bit stronger so they snuck the win 12-8.

For Lightning it was better news, coming away with a 14-9 victory over Mayhem which included a Grand Slam for debut Captain Richard Sarver and home run for Lightning regular Paul Finney in their final inning to give them a lead which they managed to defend without conceding.

For Thunder, their first game was a repeat of the Firstball Tournament final from the previous week. While Thunder triumphed in that final Lions got their revenge in a tight game where defences were on top and scoring was not east to come by. After matching each others scoring in the early innings, Lions scored the extra runs which gave them the lead which proved too much for Thunder to claw back.

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